Hoy, Crystal Fighters han hecho público un comunicado en el que informan que se han visto obligados a posponer su gira europea que estaba prevista para inicios de este año 2024.
También hemos conocido los plazos para devoluciones que ha establecido la promotora Everything is New, organizadora de los shows de la banda en Portugal durante esta gira 'Light+ 2024 Tour'.
· Las entradas ya adquiridas para el concierto que estaba previsto el 6 de febrero de 2024 (en la sala Lisboa LAV) siguen siendo válidas para la nueva fecha, que será el martes 15 de octubre de 2024.
· Las entradas ya adquiridas para el concierto que estaba previsto el 7 de febrero de 2024 (en la sala Hard Club de Oporto) siguen siendo válidas para la nueva fecha, que será el miércoles 16 de octubre de 2024.
El plazo de devolución va desde hoy (22/01/2024) hasta el día 7 de marzo de 2024.
Si habías comprado tus entradas en MASqueTICKET, puedes solicitar el reembolso a través de nuestro formulario de contacto.
Comunicado oficial de la banda:
"We are very sad to announce that due to Sebastian contracting Malaria during his recent trip to Ghana, Crystal Fighters have made the decision to postpone the upcoming Europe and United Kingdom tour to the Autumn of 2024. This was such a difficult choice to have to make, as we were so excited to come and play our new album for you all next month.
It’s been very rough for Seb, and although he is making a good recovery, it is unfortunately not in time for the tour. As always, we want to give you all the most joyful and passionate show we can, and this is simply not possible at this time given his state of health.
All dates are rescheduled and all tickets purchased are valid for the shows in September, October and November 2024. If for any reason you cannot make the new date, a full refund will be granted at the point of sale. We so hope you can make the new dates later in the year, cause it’s going to be epic! Other announced festivals and shows are not affected and we look forward to seeing you out there for those.
This is not a decision we have taken lightly, and we are aware this will come as disappointing news, and will cause inconvenience to some. We are truly sorry, and hope you understand that we are doing what is best for Sebastian and the whole Crystal Fighters family.
With so much love,
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